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National Conference on "Film education - a cultural and educational mission!", Biel/Bienne, 18.9.2014, the Association for the Promotion of film literacy, invites for a national conference under the title "film education - A cultural and educational mission!».

The aim of the conference is to think of cultural and educational policy options and measures that give the film literacy and film education throughout the educational work a higher priority, and ultimately enable children and adolescents, to deal in a competent and creative way with the flood of images in their everyday lives.

Film, Form & Communication is a member of and active in the implementation of this goal.

Wednesday 18 September 2013, 14.00 - 18.00 Volkshaus, Aarbergstrasse 112, Biel 
 registration until 26 August 2013

The program in detail (PDF 1.5MB)


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